How to Love a Pink Demon is now live! She’s out, she’s out, my next book is fiiii-nally out. Phew.

I did it. I finally cut the cord. It’s only been an ice age, but How to Love a Pink Demon is live in the Amazon Kindle story. Phew! I hope you love Steele. I didn’t actually do her justice. She’s seriously much better in my head. We’re talking the black, female Jason Bourne sans … Continue reading How to Love a Pink Demon is now live! She’s out, she’s out, my next book is fiiii-nally out. Phew.

Why I used the N word in my latest erotic paranormal romance novel.

PINK_Demon_FinalHey y’all. I don’t want you to be surprised when you buy this latest offering in my Demon Series and see some tough language – the n word specifically.

The word has evolved considerably, been essentially taken back by black people, which I’ve always found extraordinary. But it’s still emotionally charged, full of shitty historical context and wrathful feelings most black and white folks would gladly leave by the wayside forever. But its modern iteration is still perfect for this particular book.

My heroine Steele explains it briefly in the book, asking our hero Miles to look up the word niggardly in the dictionary.

The word doesn’t appear often in the book, and when it does it’s in very natural conversational situations. I know people these days tend to go from 0 to 100 for even the slightest offense. It’s doubtful this blog will allay that sort of response completely if folks are determined to go down that road. But at least this little preface is here for those who care to look, read and understand. Continue reading “Why I used the N word in my latest erotic paranormal romance novel.”